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Friday, 30 May, 1828
- Hits: 5479
Again the glorious Sun awakens millions of human beings from sleep, some to endure pain and severe fatigue, and others to enjoy the paths of pleasure and inaction, probably forgetful, in many instances, of the object of their creation. I find myself in a feeble state of health, which may make my feelings more gloomy than they would be under a different bodily sensation. This day the room for our small stock of medicine having been arranged, these articles were there deposited, which gives me a species of control over this small place, producing a kind of home to which I can repair without distrubing any. The principle part of the day was occupied in adjusting our effects, as well as circumstances would admit. A very small place would contain all we possessed, yet it was not the less necessary they should be set in order, for he who will not attend to a little will neglect much, and probably the judicious management of small sums is the great secret of gaining wealth.
The mind thus occupied through the day found little time for roving on scenes left behind or the probably destiny that awaited in time to come. Still, evening came, and with it those reflections which the silence that accomplanies calculate to inspire tin those situated as I am. Home, friends, and country, in rapid succession, were visitants of the mind. Scene after scene more rapidly presented to view, scanned over for a moment and vanished. A succession of wild fancies, improbably imaginations in a short but agreeable perambulation in the first part of the evening, crowded the intellect. As rapid and as turbulent as the whirlwind, the most glowing pictures formed by various combinations would shine for a moment and then in an instant blank vacancy would fill their place. Returned and after many hours of reflection on the pillow, sweet sleep stole on the mind and closed the organs of vision, and my thoughts, still active, in dreams left to rove through the wild fields of fancy, still more dreadful than when awake.
Tuesday, 27 May, 1828
- Hits: 5861
Bethania, North Carolina
We left Germanton soon this morning for Hausertown, properly called Bethania, distance nine miles, and arrived there at nine o'clock. I suffered much for a short time this morning from a slight return of those symptoms that had caused me so much pain and suffering for the few preceding days. We stopped in Hausertown at Christian Lash's store. here we made many inquiries of a young man in the store, dressed in a long surtout coat. He would say nothing positively but appeared quite careless and indifferent, indeed such was his general appearance. He would always refer us to Dr. Shuman near Salem. I immediately judged that he was afraid of offending this Doctor or else was connected and wished him to retain his practice. I have one observation to make in relation to this man and that is, he is close, has a counterance of deep deception, a mild disposition to the beholder, calculated to draw confidence and gain friends, but all from selfish motives. He will never do a good act when he cannot be detected. Self-interest binds him. All this I drew from his looks and way of answering Tyler, who talked some time with him. I felt too feeble for interrogations. I now really wish someone would now give me a history of this man that I could see how well I had guessed.
At this place we inquired if there was a tavern and was answered in the affirmative; then we asked how long before we could get breakfast, and was told we could have it in two or three hours. This, we concluded, was longer than our distance would sanction, so we went and finished our conversation in the store and started for Salem, distance nine miles. The singularity and the indefinite answers of Lash occupied my attention considerably. To hear a man when asked a simple, plain question, involving no one, respecting his ideas of the place where he resides and the situation of the country for a few miles around, and then refer us to Doctor Shuman when he, without any more words, could have given us all the information required. But every man has a way and this seems to be his, and if he acts it to suit himself, he will ahve none else to reproach.
This is a place of Germans and I suppose every family in it are of German origin. This place looks old and the houses have the appearance of decay and require repairing or rebuilding. Some few will do very well. It contains, agreeable to lash, about one hundred and seventy-five inhabitants. I suppose when we ask Doctor Shuman we shall have it completely. From here we went to Salem and took dinner at Warner's Tavern in the place. This also is a German town, full of Moravians. It has more the appearance of business than any we have visited in Stokes County. Houses are low but have the appearance of comfort. Here is a Moravian Church and here also is located the far-famed Female Academy of North Carolina. We visited several of the curiosities of the place and also the graveyard. This to me appeared quite singular as all memorials were placed horizontal. The Potter's garden, or the Cedar Tree in it, was curious and pleasant. By the extensive and perfect shade it produces, at a distance it looks like a well-make stack of hay. The boughs are all running through each other, and the internal limbs have been cut away so that it forms a most beautiful dome. It must be a most delightful place in a warm summer day.
After spending a few hours in this place we left for Guilford, Captain Saunders's, distance twenty-two miles. We arrived a little after dark. Tyler was in good spirits and full of his natural turn of mind, jocularity. As for myself, I declare I felt as though the world had no charms for me. i could see no favorable prospect with all powers of discernment I possessed. I could see no favorable prospect to obtain the necessary products the hungry wants of man solicit. I never did, to my recollection, see everything in reference to myself in so unfavorable a light. I reflected and re-reflected, endeavored to change my thoughts, and place them in every form, yet the same dark side would always appear foremost and plainest. After having exhausted my mind in these unpleasant musings, sweet sleep came to my relief and closed the unpropitious scene with the conclusion that I would the next day go to Hausertown and there wait until my health should indicate a continuance of my search for a location more permanent and favorable.
Monday, 4 July, 1830
- Hits: 6940
Have been engaged in business the greater portion of the day. You will, however, recollect that this is the anniversary of our independence, a day that should be held sacred to every American, and should be celebrated in an appropriate manner so as to awaken a just sense of our liberty in the bosom of every individual and inspire the rising generation with sentiments of patriotism and love of the many privileges they enjoy that are denied to the common classes of the communities of aristocratic and monarchial governments. We should cherish a plain, simple government in which all the community participates and the people are the primary source of all power conferred on legislative bodies.