On April 27th 2010 Dr. George Follett Wilson's first journal entry will publish on this site, 182 years after he wrote it. For the next 27 months there will be a new entry published each day.
Since we launched the site and entered the journal online and hopefully into enternity we were happy to see the site visited by so many from around the world over the last 11 years. In July 2021 we moved the site over from our first domain thewilsons.mobi to this forever home. This domain and specific links to your favorite journal post will stay right here, hopfully for hundreds of years to come.
We hope you enjoy Dr. Wilson's jornal.
Some are short:
"Have visited the sick and afflicted and am happy to find several of my patients on the road to health. Nothing gives me more pleasure."
Some are long as on Independence Day 1828:
"The anxiety of mind this morning I leave to conjecture as I am incapable to describe it; now in a few hours to rise up before a congregation of strangers in a strange county and address on a subject relating to our Independence, before those, too, who have been conversant with the whole transaction during the struggle and since. When you have pledged yourself, it is your duty to act your part to the best of your abilities."
....the journal entry continues and includes what he says to this congregation 52 years after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence and only 2 years after the death of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson two of the founding fathers and the only two men who signed the Declaration of Independence to become president.
I encourage all that are interested to subscribe to this feed. Your email address will not be shared, spammed or otherwise abused. No money will be made from this website. I consider it a gift, not from me, but from Dr. George Follett Wilson himself.