Journal of Dr GFW
Sunday, 21 September, 1828
- Hits: 2713
It appears that more business devolves on me this day than common, but still I feel my dependence on God, and look to him for all those benefits which I receive, and to him offer up my grateful acknowledgements for the same. I was requested to visit Mr. Henry Shore's, himself and wife are taken with the fever. Mr. Shore is an industrious, honest man, showing no peculiarity in his external expression. But his wife has some peculiarity in her counternance not often to be met with. Now I will venture an opinion on her disposition. She is in the first place, honest; and at the same time judicially distrustful. Has no mercy on those of her sex who deviate from the strictest rules of virtue, and believes at the same time there are few if any males who will withstand great temptation, or even very favorable opportunities. Mild in her common disposition and agreeable in her manners and handsome in person; a lover of home and domestic happiness, not fond of show that exceeds her income, but frugal and economical in everything; and is just such a person as sis any estimation, calculated to make an amiable wife and a judicious and strict Mother, wishing to prepare for old age now while she is in the prime of active life. This is the first time I ever saw her and I cannot but admire her appearance.