Hartford, Maryland

We rose very early this morning and found ourselves much refreshed from a few hours sleep after having traveled the day preceding thirty-nine and half miles. The atmosphere this morning is quite serene and a s warm as it was yesterday. We started this morning before breakfast, leaving the turnpike road, traveled eight miles and took breakfast at a place called Windsor in York County. Road very unpleasant. Soil of a reddish appearance and for about four miles from Wondersmith's was quite fertile. Today I met with quite a loss. After having traveled a distance of fifteen miles I found that my specks were missing. Having used them for several years in reading and writing in the night and for this last purpose used them last night and must have laid them on the table after completing my few notes and then left them on the table. They were by far the best glasses I had ever seen, and I had examined many before I met with these. And I must have lost them as above stated. I know not how it could have been otherwise. I would not have parted with them for any price, and would rather have lost a ten Dollar note even under worse circumstances for money than at present. I feel quite unwell today and often thought of home. Singular as it may appear that a man should think of home who has none, yet the place of all others the most desirable when sickness assails us will enter the thoughts. A Father's house under these circumstances has charms that a gilded palace does not possess to the stranger. We all seem more than ordinarily dull and mute today from what particular cause I could not tell. Traveling is much more expensive here than in that part of the State of New York where we resided and the fare not as good. The stock of the farmers here look well and are in excellent order. At about two o'clock we entered the State of Maryland in Hartford County and Town. The land increases in poorness of soil and the Roads are very much cut to pieces and almost impassable. Having now drove thirty-six miles over a very unpleasant road we, after considerable difficulty, obtained lodging for the night at an Inn kept by George Steiner, a real German, but he could speak English tolerably well. The reason alleged for not wishing to accommodate us for the night was a very plausible one, nothing less than the expected confinement of his wife.  This, we said, could not be a proper excuse for us as we all were Physicians accustomed to all such scenes. And in real Yankee style we soon gave out such hints as could be easily understood and such, too, as the nature of the case required. And the old gentleman took us at a word. our indication produced the desired effect. And what was still more agreeable to the old man, before morning his prediction was fulfilled and his lady attended by Doct. Tyler as the acouchere. The old gentleman was really delighted with the success of the night and expressed his warmest thanks to us as we bid him farewell in the morning.