Indeed it mortified me very much to think that he had suffered his fancy so far to overstep his judgment. But you will please remember that in all cases where your fancy is strongly wrought upon, which is nothing but another word for desire, that if you act under such influences, you will sure to be deceived, and remorse will soon follow. When you find you are very anxious to purchase anything you had better reflect and investigate the cause of that anxiety and you will generally find the cause to be quite insufficient to produce such an effect when properly considered. Overanxiety invariably leads to disappointment. I do not believe there can be found an instance to the contrary, because this state of mind views the acquisition far above all possibilities, and when successful ends in a fact that it is nothing so superior, and it unfrequently happens that in a very short time this same thing so eagerly sought for ends in disgust. And it would be well if we would but be guided by one sad experiment of the kind, but instead of acting agreeably to indications of experience we again and again go on the same way.