Morning in all her lovely appearance again salutes the eye and calls for action, and an abandonment of the recumbent position. Evey young individual should be up and out to inhale the salubrity of the morning. A man in business may just as well cast into the fire a piece of money as to indulge in bed when he is sufficiently restored by rest as to spend the same length of time in bed that it required to earn it. Indeed, no man should waste his moments in lethargy. It is not right, for there is always enough to engage the attention advantageously. All nature's works are spread round you in great profusion and afford subjects for contemplation. I have spent the day in reading and a few moments in lethargy with Miss H.S. Hauser, daughter of Mrs. Conrad by her first husband. I fear the assailable point has been wounded and increasing, but desist, give not the most distant allusion. Abandon the thought. It is difficult but not impossible.