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Today I had to visit the same place and I requested my companion to accompany me as it is but a small distance and during our walk the conversation turned on this subject. I stated freely my opinion and said, "So long as you harbor such ideas in relation to me and Miss L.C., so long we must be unhappy, because a want of confidence in my veracity would forever destroy your satisfaction and mine also." Because my desire was to see her perfectly contented and if I failed on this I must be miserable. "How," she said, "can you blame me, for you were the cause, in giving the letter inthe way you did, and though you are innocent, here you see my word is no better than air. No confidence."

Fidelity cannot be relied on, and all for nothing. Not even the shade of a shadow for suspicion, but I do believe it is all assumed for the mere purpose of gaining a control over me, in everything where and when fancy or inclination may indicate. I believe so because there is no foundation for any suspicion. And if I am right in my ideas of the cause of this charge against me, it is indeed a poor course to pursue in order to gain the ascendancy, because this way it can never be accomplished. I mention these things that you may see how very small things will destroy the peace and tranquility of a family for years and that you may be very cautious how you give the least suspicion to your fidelity. One innnocent, inconsiderate act done with the best motives from any improper design may forever deprive you of peace or pleasure. The life of a man in the ordinary walks of society is made up of small incidents and one of these a little diverted may upset every prospect of pleasure or good feeling, and initiate perpetual strife. Bear and forgive as far as propriety will sanction, but never be forced into an abandonment of all control over yourself, but in this advice I have supposed you to act just, because when you do wrong, it is your duty to acknowledge it and be directed by any advice that would teach you not to follow such a course. You should accustom yourself to indulge such sentiments and always take good advice.